Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Life's a Mystery - for more than a year

For more than a year I've maintained this blog, posting every other week. You'll notice from the picture to the left, I haven't aged a bit. :-)  Actually, I might have lost a few pounds since that picture was taken.

I appreciate all of you who have visited. It is a bit of work to put down thoughts... well, better to say "interesting" thoughts... on a regular basis.

I want people to get to know me a little better. It might provide a better perspective on my writing. Most authors prefer that their "work" speaks for them.

I've been watching a thread of conversation on the DorothyL listserv site. It is populated by writers and fans of mystery. A few of the mystery readers expressed indignation at posts billed as BSP - shorthand for "Blatant Self Promotion."

I seldom make a reference to BSP. I don't mind telling people about my stories. I can't recall ever having forced anyone to buy (or read) one of them. But in the same way that we appreciate when a friend calls to alert us to a program on TV that they know we might want to watch, I figure I'm providing a service to alert people to an upcoming title they might want to read.

I make it a point to freely share short stories and the opening chapters of my books. In that way, a person can decide in advance if they find the story interesting and the style readable. I also try to price my books as affordable. The opening book in my Brad Frame series is FREE to those on the Kindle Unlimited program, and 99 cents for everyone else. My other books are $2.99 for Kindle or Nook. Even the trade paperback versions are less than $15.

I know some people bristle when they hear BSP. It takes all kinds of people to make up our world, and all kinds of characters to populate the pages of a mystery novel. That's why I've been saying for more than a year, "Life's a Mystery."

Thanks, as always for visiting. Tell your friends! :-)

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