Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Writing Goals

Later this year, I'll be publishing my eighth novel. Six of them have been mysteries in my Brad Frame series. COLD OATH will join KISSES OF AN ENEMY in my suspense novels.

Even as I'm still working on a project I have to think ahead. I've got an idea for a new Brad Frame novel. But I've also been thinking about working on a Brad Frame short story. I've written five short stories (all available for free on my website), but haven't attempted a Frame short story.

In terms of overall goals, I'd like to build my readership -- expose new readers to my material. I've recently heard from a number of people who, having found one of my books, end up going out and buying all of them. That's exactly what an author wants. In my case, it might boost sales so that I can afford to buy French onion dip to have with my potato chips. :-)

For me, writing has never been about making a lot of money. Good thing, right? I enjoy entertaining people with good mysteries and suspense stories. But there is a part of me that would like an expanded readership. My goal has always been to write good stories. Marketing is not my strong suit, but these days it goes with the territory of being a writer.

I "put my stuff out there" on social media, but I try not to do it so frequently as to elicit eye-rolls every time a person sees a new post from me on Facebook.

Still, the most important goal in my opinion is to write the best mystery/suspense possible. I'm always gratified by the feedback I receive from readers. Thanks to those of you among my very loyal fans.

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